Full-Custom Molded Earpieces | 19″ Stereo
In stock – CALL TO ORDERÂ – Custom molded earpieces with 3.5mm stereo plug. Available in 19″ and 36″ lengths. A variety of colors are available. (See chart below)Â CALL TO ORDER.
How to get an Ear Impression Made:
For custom driver earpieces, you will need to first get an ear impression made of your ears. The ear impressions will be used to create the ear molds for the custom earpieces. To get impressions you can do one of the following:
1. Visit your Dr. or Local Ear, Nose, and Throat, specialists. Then mail the ear impressions to our Forest Park Location.
2. Visit our Forest Park Location for a complimentary ear impression. (We are experienced in making impressions with both children and adults.)
3. Visit our support trailer at an upcoming race for a complimentary ear impression. (Please see the event schedule for available times and locations)